based on version 0.9.5 of Quick Reference For Choosing a Free Software License by Zooko (updated Thu Aug 16 12:27:25 PDT 2001)

please see the the full version for notes and the latest version.

note: this is an old version.

Community likes to accept code under it
Combine with proprietary and redistribute
Combine with GPL and redistribute
Must share source of redistributed version
Must include patent license with contribution
Protection against lawsuits

   |           Community likes to accept code under it
   |             | Combine with proprietary and redistribute
   |             |   | Combine with GPL and redistribute
   |             |   |   | Must share source of redistributed version
   |             |   |   |   | Must include patent license with contribution
   |             |   |   |   |   |    |             |   |   |   |   |   |
   |             |   |   |   |   |   |
   v             v   v   v   v   v   v
  ---           --- --- --- --- --- ---
 X11/BSD-new     Y   Y   Y   N   N   Y
 GNU LPGPL       Y   Y   Y   Y   Y   Y
 GNU GPL         N   N   Y   Y   Y   Y
 Mozilla PL 1.1  ?   Y   N   Y   N   Y
 Common PL       Y   Y   N   Y   Y   Y | source | latest version