last updated: Sat, 08 Feb 2025 02:26:10 GMT
last validated: Fri, 07 Feb 2025 12:02:52
3538 ad server hostnames; 7721 IP addresses
Ad and tracking server domain list - which hostnames are included and why
Domains included in the list are:
- Highest level domains only (ie,, not
- Not only ad servers - spyware servers, hit tracking servers, and servers that enable these technologies
- Other nasty hostnames are included such as some malware domains etc.
- Checked by hand before being added when submitted by a user
- Automatically checked weekly to see if they're still valid
Types of servers that will be listed:
- ad servers - servers primarily used for serving up ads
- tracking servers - any server that is primarily used for users' actions or enabling it
- malware servers - servers contacted by viruses, spyware, or other nasty things that routinely attack and/or hijack your computer and its resources
- anti-adblock servers - servers primarily used for blocking adblock technologies
- spam servers - occassionally I'll add a server that is causing a huge amount of spam, but very rarely
- other nasty stuff - at my discretion, anything else that negatively impacts users
"Dedicated" here means, the primary purpose of the server.
List integrity: hostname validation + delisting
hostnames are checked automatically every Friday at 12:00 for validity
entries that for some reason fail a DNS lookup are hidden from the list
entries that fail DNS lookups for 6 consecutive checks are removed from the list permanently
while I make every effort to ensure that all entries in the list meet the criteria detailed above, I am fallible: if I have made a mistake, please contact me:
If you have any questions, you can email me at
Please note that I may take a long time to get back to you: occasionally it will be months; my personal life dictates how much time I can spend on this project, and while it's easy to keep the list maintained it's a lot more time-consuming to look into and respond appropriately to all the emails I get regarding the list. However, I will respond eventually (unless I'm fatally involved in a low flying helicopter accident, or something! (Or perhaps my mail gets deleted, or it gets filtered into my junk mail folder, or... well, there's a lot of reasons why I might not get back to you, now I come to think about it. But, the point is, since at least 2001 I don't think I've ever not replied to a mail about the list)).